Monday, November 28, 2011


Why are you here?:  That's both a difficult and an easy question to answer.  In a literal sense, no one knows why we are here... not only on this planet, but in this Universe.  The fact that ANYTHING exists is an almost unfathomable idea, but that seems to be the reality we have been born into. We live in a physical world that has existed for a very long time... but this also implies a period of nonexistence?  We hope that, in time, the mysteries will unravel and the answers to these questions will eventually show themselves. Of course, not without years, decades and sometimes centuries of passionate pursuit by none-other than our curious, fellow human beings.  The meaning of our existence, of everything's existence, I cannot say.  For all we know, there may not even be any reason at all for the existence of anything.  However... I CAN and DO decide the reasoning for my PERSONAL existence, given the "situation".  In short, I am here to be happy.  That's it, 100%.  Happiness is the greatest gift to any creature and in my opinion, nothing surpasses it. It is the ultimate goal to strive for until the day you rest in peace.  I do my best to surround myself with wonderful things that I hold close.  Things like music, humor, knowledge, entertainment, the company of others, the studies of our planet and the wonders of our Universe.  These things and ideas inspire me, capture my imagination and ultimately make me happy - that's why I am alive right now and it is why I will continue to do my best STAY alive.

No book or doctrine tells me this, no one person or being has made me this way.  I am in charge of myself, my feelings and my purpose.  I make my own decisions and create my own beliefs from what I know, feel and think.  Happiness paired with the thirst for knowledge is what drives me to get out of bed every day, even when I feel like there is absolutely no point.  In the end, there actually may BE no point... and I'm fine with that. My time here on Earth will not be totally wasted if even just for a second I was happy.  So far so good.

Who are you in the eyes/perception of others?: hilarious, spontaneous, kind, rational, logical, cautious, charismatic, timid, non-confrontational, intelligent, funny, jaded, reflective, calculating, talented, fat (haha).  

How do you see/perceive yourself?: skeptical, dreamer, curious, compassionate, tired, frustrated, anxious, humorous, intelligent, open-minded, introverted, sarcastic, fascinated, competitive, disappointed, fun-loving, contemplative, appreciative, musical, respectful, unmotivated, average-looking, different, aware, goofy.

What are the implications of your identity to others?:  I effect other people even if they have never met me before.  My existence, my identity, whether it's exactly what I want to be or not, is still another variable in the sea of life and its possibilities.  Who knows what I'll be responsible for next.

How are you effected by the identity of others?: I feed off of their existence and subsequent identities just like they do mine.  We all bounce off of each other and spur actions, thoughts, ideas, conflicts, creations, life in general.  Their identities are necessary in the evolution of all of our realities - the one global reality.

Is identity static?:  Something can change over any amount of time but stay the same, in fact - it should.  The fact that we look back and notice the differences in our lives at earlier points and we can do this at any point and still say "wow, I was so different back then".  We notice that one thing, ironically, stays consistent: our change.  The fact that change is always there, no matter what, means that it, in a way, is static.  I am who I am because I can and do change.  My change becomes my identity every time I subconsciously check for it.

Final Project:

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