After taking Seeing Sideways and having seen What the Bleep Do We Know?, I think I'm a little bit less stressed out about everything, for the most part. Once you catch a glimpse of what reality is like outside of our busy, silly human lives... you sort of get the big picture. That vision is hard to forget about, that there's far more to our existence then having a good resume. In fact, it makes just about everything we do on this planet look like a joke. That should be something to take comfort in, in my opinion. Why stress out and worry needlessly when, in the end, it's all going to be alright. You'll have your time for delicious peace, but for now... we do human stuff.
Creatively, I find myself delving deeper into my ideas and deciding what is acceptable or what would work. More often then not now, just about anything is fair game. If I have the drive to do something and I'm excited about the idea - nothing can stop me aside from myself.
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