Monday, October 3, 2011

I Was 55 Once.

I will say that I find this assignment, as well as the previous one, to be fairly odd.  I don't base many thoughts around paper clips and what I would do with them, so I suppose I must commend the assignment for changing that up a little bit!  You may have read some of the feel-good stories from my past in my previous blog post and if you didn't, well, you should.  They're important... and they're classics.  You may have noticed that the title of this post doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I am talking about!  Aha, good!  That's good!

EDIT:  Boom, throwin' another edit in this here blog.  I will say this... If I was 55 and I saw the 5ish-year old me and the slightly-older-than-5ish me either sticking paperclips in electrical sockets OR attempting to pick locks in someone's HOUSE with paperclips... I would quite frankly tell them to stop, that's rude.  Again, gotta read that previous blog post or else I'm going to sound like a lunatic.  OR ELSE.   Beth, please don't fail me.  :C

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